The global pandemic has taught us many things including the critical to need to uncover and manage potential risks that could jeopardize our health and well-being. This is the also true for your financial well-being. As you focus on creating a sound future for your organization and professional life, it is essential that you prioritize creating your sound personal future, to ensure you can make the most of your one precious life.
Learning Objectives:
• Discuss essential steps all women can take to be in control of our money and fuel our life’s purpose
• Better understand your financial behavior drivers and a supportive money mindset
• Develop a framework to prepare yourself for financial growth and stability
• Recommend actions you can take to optimize your financial resources and align your finances with the vision of your future self.
Join this engaging session and learn strategies to fulfill your dreams and create the kind of world you want to live in.
Facilitated by CFE Member Barbara Best Principal, CAP STRAT Founder CAP STRAT Women’s Forum
Chicago Finance Exchange19250 Everett Lane, Suite 103Mokena, IL 60448312-833-8782Contact us by email: