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Spring Break Happy Hour

  • 03/18/2021
  • 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM (CDT)
  • Virtual Zoom Gathering


Registration is closed

The sun is warmer. Days are getting longer. Soon the flowers will begin to bloom. It's time for a Spring Break!

Grab your favorite beverage and join fellow CFE members for a relaxed social conversation as we check-in and connect with one another. No preparation, no hard thinking - just come as you are. We will utilize Zoom's breakout rooms to give you a chance to connect with old friends and new.  

Attendees will receive a reminder email with the Zoom link the day of the event. 

Chicago Finance Exchange
20960 S. Frankfort Square Road, Suite B
Frankfort, IL 60423
Contact us by email: dhypke@managementervices.org

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