Committees & Exchanges
Ideas, Expertise, and Experience are at the center of CFE through its Exchanges. The Exchanges serve a vital purpose for CFE, bringing members together around four distinct topical subjects. The Exchanges are the forums for members to share their ideas, expertise, and experiences across these topics that, in turn, generate the content for CFE’s programming. The Exchanges are also an integral component to engage new members, attract new members, and foster CFE’s Subject Matter Expert program.
Equally important are CFE’s Committees. The Committees provide CFE with the resources to grow as an organization and execute its activities.
The Exchanges and their descriptions are:
Finance and Investments |
Leadership and Professional Development | Giving Back |
Description: | Topics related to the discipline of Finance and Investments |
Skill development for members, with an emphasis on leadership and soft skills pertaining to women leaders |
A forum for members to give back to the community through philanthropic and other volunteer initiatives |
The Committees and their descriptions are:
Membership |
Member Engagement | Communications |
Nominating |
Description: |
Oversees all aspects of CFE’s membership process, including recommending new members |
Optimizes CFE’s member experience, including member outreach |
Develops a communications strategy to promote the organization and CFE members |
Annually identifies and evaluates CFE’s board members |